Rules Data Processor Plugins

TODO: This should be updated to show implementing data filter plugins instead. Data processors are for processing the values resulting from the configured data selection.

To implement a Rules Data Processor Plugin, place your plugin code under the namespace \Drupal\{module_name}\Plugin\RulesDataProcessor\ in {module_name}/src/Plugin/RulesDataProcessor, for example:

 * A data processor for applying numerical offsets.
 * The plugin configuration must contain the following entry:
 * - offset: the value that should be added.
 * @RulesDataProcessor(
 *   id = "rules_numeric_offset",
 *   label = @Translation("Apply numeric offset")
 * )
class NumericOffset extends PluginBase implements DataProcessorInterface {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function process($value) {
    return $value + $this->configuration['offset'];


This replaces Drupal 7 Rules' hook_rules_evaluator_info